UpLevel Green

Learn how to become energy independent and live a more sustainable life

We help you find the right green solutions for your lifestyle, from energy efficient solar panels and heat pumps, to the best plastic-free household products.

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Can a Solar Panel Run a Pool Pump?

Your pool pump is likely something that you don’t really think about, until something goes wrong with it. So you

How Does a Heat Pump Work for a Swimming Pool?

Heat pumps are often used in the summer to help cool a home. However, they can also be used to

Solar Power for 1.5 HP Pump

Being able to run a water pump without relying on grid electricity can range from simply saving money on electric

Off Grid Desert Farming

Living Off the Grid in a desert environment has unique challenges. One of them is growing food so you can

Off Grid Pool: A Guide to Off-Grid Pool Systems

If you’re living an off grid lifestyle or considering it, you know that it’s all about self-sufficiency and sustainability. And

Can I invest in wind turbines?

As the demand for renewable energy continues to rise, wind energy has emerged as a cost-effective, sustainable, and increasingly popular