UpLevel Green

DIY Prepper Projects

Welcome to “DIY Prepper Projects”! In this guide, you’ll learn how to take practical steps towards living off-grid and becoming more resilient to global changes, and events such as wildfires, pandemics, power outages, and mass migration.

Whether you’re a seasoned prepper or just getting started, you’ll find valuable information and inspiration in this guide to help you prepare for the unexpected and protect your loved ones. So, get ready to roll up your sleeves and learn how to build your own resilience, one project at a time.

What's on this page?



Building a rainwater catchment system

Collect and store rainwater for use in times of drought or water shortages.


Building a solar-powered water pump

Pump water from a well or other source using solar power, reducing dependence on electricity or gas.


Building a solar-powered water desalinization system

Provide clean drinking water in case of a natural disaster or other emergency.


Building a solar-powered water filtration system

Provide clean drinking water in case of a natural disaster or other emergency.


Building a solar-powered water sterilization system

Sterilize water in case of a natural disaster or other emergency.


Building a solar-powered water softening system

Softening water in case of a natural disaster or other emergency.


Building a solar-powered water distillation system

Distill water in case of a natural disaster or other emergency.




Building a greenhouse

Grow your own food, even in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency that disrupts the food supply chain.


Setting up a composting system

Reduce reliance on commercial fertilizers and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden.


Building a root cellar

Store food for long-term use and preserve food during power outages.


Building a chicken coop

Provide a source of fresh eggs and meat, even in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency that disrupts the food supply chain.


Building a cold frame

Extend the growing season for your garden and grow more food.


Building a solar oven

Cook food using the power of the sun, reducing dependence on electricity or gas.


Building a worm compost bin

Reduce reliance on commercial fertilizers and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden.




Building a fire pit or outdoor fireplace

Cook food and stay warm in case of a power outage or natural disaster.


Building a solar hot water heater

Reduce dependence on electricity or gas and provide a source of hot water in case of a power outage.


Building a solar dehydrator

Preserve food for long-term storage.




Building a solar-powered fan

Keep cool during power outages.


Building a solar-powered air purification system

Purify the air in your home in case of a natural disaster or other emergency.




Installing a backup generator

Ensure you have a source of power in case of a power outage caused by natural disasters or other events.


Installing a solar power system

Reduce dependence on the grid and provide a source of power during power outages.


Building a wind turbine

Provide a source of power during power outages.


Building a solar-powered phone charger

Charge your phone and other devices using the power of the sun, reducing dependence on electricity or gas.


Building a solar-powered refrigerator

Keep food fresh during power outages.


Building a bike generator

Provide power during power outages or in remote areas where electricity is not available.


Building a homemade wind turbine

Provide power during power outages or in remote areas where electricity is not available.


Building a homemade solar panels

Provide power during power outages or in remote areas where electricity is not available.




Preparing an emergency supply kit

Include items such as food, water, first aid supplies, and other essentials that you may need in case of an emergency.


Building a storm shelter

Provide a safe place for you and your loved ones to stay during severe weather events such as tornadoes or hurricanes.


Building a bunker

Provide a safe place for you and your loved ones to stay during disasters or other emergencies.


Building a safe room

Provide a secure space to protect yourself and your loved ones during disasters or other emergencies.


Building a bug out shelter

Provide a shelter to evacuate to in case of a disaster or other emergency.


Practice building a shelter from natural materials

Provide a shelter using natural materials such as branches, leaves, and moss.

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