UpLevel Green

Solar Roof Tiles UK – Why You Should Avoid Them (2024)

The increasing popularity of solar energy solutions has brought various options to the market, including solar roof tiles.

While solar tiles, like terracotta solar roof tiles, may seem like an attractive option due to their aesthetic appeal, they fall very short in key areas such as efficiency, maintenance, and cost. 

This article will explore the pros and cons factors to illustrate why you should avoid solar roof tiles and opt for standard solar panels instead.


Solar Roof Tiles – Efficiency

Solar roof tiles generally have an average efficiency ranging between 10-12%. 

These tiles are designed to blend seamlessly with traditional roofing materials, which often means compromising on the efficiency of energy capture. The design constraints necessary to mimic the look of conventional roofing can limit the surface area available for energy 

In contrast, standard solar panels typically boast efficiencies between 18-22%. 

The design of solar panels is optimised for maximum energy capture, with larger surface areas and the ability to be angled perfectly to the sun’s rays. 

The higher efficiency of solar panels means they can generate more electricity from the same amount of sunlight, making them a more effective solution for reducing energy bills and reliance on the grid.


Solar Roof Tiles – Maintenance

Installing solar roof tiles involves taking off your entire roof and re-building it, with each new tile functioning as an individual solar unit. This results in numerous electrical connections across the roof, increasing the potential for faults and complications. 

In the event of a malfunction, identifying and repairing the issue can be very costly and time-consuming, as it may require accessing multiple tiles and connections.

Standard solar panels, on the other hand, are installed as larger units with fewer connections, simplifying the maintenance process. Issues are easier to diagnose and resolve, often requiring attention to only a few points on the roof. 

Their installation does not interfere with the underlying roof structure, allowing for straightforward maintenance and repair work. The relative simplicity of solar panels means fewer things can go wrong, resulting in less frequent and less costly maintenance.


Solar Roof Tiles Prices

The costs of getting solar tiles is around double what you would pay for solar panels. On a 3 bedroom house the cost of solar tiles would be between £16k and £20k, however it would only cost around 8k for solar panels, including installation.

Here is a table illustrating the cost differences of smaller sized solar systems between solar tiles and solar panels in the UK:


Solar system size

Solar tile cost (Inc. VAT)

Standard solar panel cost


£7,000 – £9,000

£2,500 – £3,500


£9,000 – £12,000

£4,500 – £5,500


£10,500 – £16,000

£5,000 – £6,000


Return on Investment Potential

The costs of solar tiles are double that of solar panels and the energy efficiency is almost half, so you can see why solar panels are a significantly better investment than solar tiles in the UK. You can use our solar panel cost calculator to get a better understanding of your return on investment.

Also, with the latest government grants, some UK residents now have the opportunity to get solar panels with no upfront cost – we have partnered with Honest Quote so that you can see if you’re eligible here. 


Are There Any Benefits to Solar Roof Tiles?

Yes, they look good!

One undeniable advantage of solar roof tiles is their aesthetic appeal. They are designed to blend seamlessly with traditional roofing materials, providing a sleek and unobtrusive appearance. 

For homeowners concerned about the visual impact of standard solar panels, solar roof tiles offer a visually pleasing alternative. 

However, this aesthetic benefit comes at the cost of lower efficiency, higher maintenance challenges, and significantly greater expense.



While solar roof tiles or photovoltaic roof tiles may attract consumers with their attractive design, they fall short in several crucial areas compared to standard solar panels. With lower efficiency, higher maintenance complexity, and significantly higher costs, solar roof tiles represent a much worse investment. 

Standard solar panels, offering better efficiency, simpler maintenance, and a more favourable return on investment, are the clear choice for consumers looking to adopt solar energy solutions. Also, due to advances in technology, solar panels now look a lot slicker than they did 5 years ago!

If you’re interested in getting a personalised solar panel quote for your home, we have partnered with Honest Quote who offer a free online form that you can fill out in 2 minutes to get a personalised quote and see if you’re eligible for solar panels with no upfront cost. Or you can use our solar panel cost calculator to work out what size system you need and how much it would cost. 

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